Morgan is just sassy as ever and having fun bossing her sister around. She is discovering the "magic" making toys miraculously dissappear. She will take a toy away from Skylar and hide it in the couch and say, "It disappeared! It's magic!" And she now works out of our home. I think she is a little jealous that daddy's work is taking time away from playtime, so tonight when Bryan was getting ready to go back to the office she said, "I am going to my office, I'll be back later." It was so cute! There are so many more things, but those are the latest that I can remember right this second.
Do you remember Shera? She had gotten this sticker at the doctor and when she stuck it on her head it so reminded me of that show from the 80's!
Skylar is doing great too! She is like days away from wlaking I think. She is getting pretty brave and trying to let go of stuff to take independent steps. She is yakin' up a storm and we swear that she said "bear" the other day. She is into everything and especially loving me phone. She has now learned how to open it and "type" on the keyboard. Her and Morgan are great friends and enjoy each other's company...At least I think. Skylar is a little vulture-she will just follow Morgan around as she eats and as soon as Morgan let's something fall Skylar is off like a shot to pick it up and toss it in her mouth. Cheerios, raisins, you name it!