We have been enjoying some crisp fall days around here and the mornings remind us that winter is just around the corner. Skylar is gearing up to turn one at the end of November and has learned so many new things these past few months. She is starting to talk-her first word was "bear" and she has since added "uh-oh" and "wow" to her vocabulary. She is pointing out everything wanting to know what it is and has taken a few "first steps" from Mommy to Daddy and back. She loves walking around the house with her car and must constantly be in motion-the law of physics is with her always!!!

Morgan is breaking in the "2's" in style-defiant and bossy! I really should not complain-her worst day is still better than some toddlers on their best days-of course no one we know :) She is wondering where Santa is and when he is going to bring her a kitchen...really sparking an interest in cooking and other household duties. No complaints from Mommy.
We have put out our fall decor inside and out and the season of thanks is upon us. A time to reflect on the past year and the fond memories we have added to our lives. We have had so many great moments with family and friends and we are so thankful for all of the people in our lives. To all of you-we love you and thank you for blessing our lives with your love and laughter-HOLLA!