Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Chicks!!

Papa brought home some baby chicks the other day! They are too cute, huh!? So their names are Nemo (the striped one, of course), George (the grey one), and Shrek and Fiona (the two black and white ones). They are growing very fast and are deathly terrified of Skylar...rightfully so! She tries to choke slam them every time she touches them. But she is just so excited to have them!

I hope we find somewhere to live soon-I think the girls will get ponies next!
***And when I first posted this it was a secret that the baby chicks started their lives with us in Grandma Happy's bathtub while she was away in Phoenix. Well, she heard it through the grapevine, so now I can blog it! It was true. Thanks Aunt Chris-glad it wasn't me to break it to her! And what a sacrafice Papa made! Can you imagine trying to sleep with 4 baby chicks a few feet away chirping all night. Brings back memories of babies by the bedside for me-NO THANKS!

The Easter Bunny came!!

Daddy keeps telling the girls that all the bunnies running around outside are the Easter Bunnies, so Easter was fun this year. They have been chasing E.B. all over Zeno Ct! And he left them baskets inside and eggs to find outside. It was a typical spring morning in Colorado, so we whipped out the winter coats over the jammies and jetted outside for some egg hunting.

Morgan-show us what'cha got!

Skylar didn't really "get" it, she was kind of just "whatever-ing" us but went along getting her eggs. I have a feeling she "whatever's" us quite a bit.

Whoa! Bed head!! See, now you all know that we really do fix her hair. Have you ever seen it like this?

Then they got all dolled up in their Easter best and we went to Nanny and Pop's house for some Easter fun, cold ham (haha, love ya Pop!) and another Easter Egg hunt. How cut is this outfit? Took a few shots of them, but of course they couldn't sit still so these are the best I have.

And this was the only shot I had of the two of them together. Cute! Morgan can be such a gem!

Love your Mother...Earth

Well, we celebrated Earth Day by going to Lee Martinez Farm in Ft. Collins (we love that park and farm and petting zoo a lot). We fed some of the animals, checked out the silo and barn and had lunch in the park. It was lots of fun!

Skylar is Ms. Independent these days so she had to put her hat on herself-homie!

Morgan loved sitting on the blanket and eating lunch. They both just LOVE being outside!

They are really into tractors of all shapes and sizes, so we had to try a few out ourselves...

Enter cute little baby cow-how cute is that!?!

And, yes this is my cautious one, Morgan feeding animals!!!!!!!! Sheep to be exact. And she fed the goats too.

And Skylar really liked the chickens. She was telling them a story, but I am not sure what it was about. See? THey are all lined up at attention. She's gooood!

And then later that day when we got home we pet some chicks of our very own-maybe the other chickens smelled the babies-ya know like dogs would? By the way, that is George. As in Curious George. But he is no longer curious of Skylar. He knows what she's about-trying to kill him! Every time she tries to hold him it is like death grip to the baby chick. She does not want him to fly out of her hand! Anyway, so this is why George is running from her soft angelic hand as it tries to pet him.

Especially Skylar

Since I have so many random shots of Skylar I thought I would share them with you in one big post just for her. This first one was at the park. She was crawling through a tunnel and playing peek-a-boo.

And this one was just funny. The headphones are as big as her, but she actually left them on-long enough to fall asleep anyway!

Ummmm. Spaghetti dinner! The independence is shining through. Rufusing to accept help and not quite knowing how to use utensils...

Haha! She had a blast sitting on this race car!

And a MAJOR milestone-she has gone pee-pee on the potty 3 times so far. She has gotten up in the morning with dry diapers a few times so when she does we just sit her on the potty and she goes right away. And the best part, for her, is washing her hands. Which you would never think she would care about (see spaghettin dinner above).

Tool Belts

Okay, so too much male influence and my little girls have on tool belts and know more tool names than I do! "Mommy that's not a wrench, that's a MONKEY wrench!" Oh well pardon me! And of course, the monkey wrench is her fav-duh! So Daddyand Papa made them tool belts so they could carry around their tools!

Does this not look like it's straight from the wild wild west!?!

And this one...she still has to have a little diva in her...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Where do I even begin?

I have neglected my blog and I am sorry-to you 4 followers! HAHA! Just kidding-but I will now bomb you with countless tales of our where-abouts! Are you ready?
I will first post about our farming days. The girls have seriously LOVED ranch life and I am scared of what they are going to do to me when we have to leave. What are we going to do all day? Here are a few shots of them cleaning stalls
Okay, well first Morgan had to get her "crutches" and walk around for a little while...then they were skis.
Then Skylar wanted a kleenex-or at least I wanted her to have a kleenex, so we had to do that too.
Then we went out to do "chores." And they loved it-playing with all the fun tools and rakes and wheelbarrows-oh my!
And Morgan loved it too-but after a while I think it got the best of her. All in a days work.