WooHoo! Morgan hasn't had a binkie since Thursday and she is doing so well! She cried the first 15 minutes and when we put her down for bed on Thursday night and hasn't cried since! So Exciting! There are a few side effects-she has terribly chapped lips and really stinky breath! We are just hoping that sucking on the binkie for so long didn't cause that. Well, we know it caused the chapped lips because she isn't slobbering like a rabid chipmunk anymore so her lips are all dried out, but hoping that it didn't give her bad breath. Trying to brush a toddlers teeth is bad enough, try getting in there to her tongue. I don't think so-I don't care how slick you think you are!
So here's the scoop:
We were going to take the binkie away when she turned 2, but when she got up from her nap on Thursday I was telling her about it and she said, "trash...now." Being the quick thinker I am I said, "ok-grab those binkies and let's put them in the trash!" Well, how exciting it was-she loves being mommies little helper and throwing things away-until she realized that was her most prized possession! Well, I couldn't turn back now, and so, as Grandpa Tutu would say, " the life lesson of the week is be careful what you ask for." Plus it was a good time because none of the grandparents had any scheduled visits any time soon so they couldn't spoil all that hard work and cave in to her while mommy and daddy weren't looking! They would never...
The saddest thing was daddy having to listen to her that night over the monitor, "binkie...please? Binkie...PLEASE! PLEASE!" Oh, how pitiful! Glad I wasn't home! That was well planned for not having thought out any of it!

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