We took a week long vacation to Colorado and visited with friends and family while Bryan was out recruiting the area a little. We had a great time and we miss everyone already. Skylar is getting so big and is starting to sit up a little-hey, whatever gets her closer to catching up with her sister she is all for it! She is expecting everything we give her to be edible and is drooling like crazy. No sign of any teeth right now, but watch out! You can't leave anything around this little one without getting it back soaked in drool. Skylar has discovered the joy of the exersaucer and has that much better of a view of Morgan-it really is all eyes on Morgan for her. And Morgan can get her laughing so hard. It is really too cute.

And Morgan had a great time with some warm weather days. She didn't know what to do with sandals on her toes and a sun hat on her head! That little girl was in hog heaven!

1 comment:
We miss you too! The house is way too quiet, and there's no cool toys floating around!! We miss that happy smile (drool and all!) of sweet baby Skylar...and all the cute "Morgan-isms" that made us laugh! ("see ya!" "grapes! grapes!" "NannyNannyNanny!" "Jana
JanaJana!" "PopPopPop" "Bay-yeeBay-yeeBay-yee!"...Can't wait to see you again! Love, Nanny
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