Is she not the cutest when she wants to be?
What a cheese!!
Is she not the cutest when she wants to be?
What a cheese!!
I'm like totally slowin' Skylar down with the snapshots. Can you tell she just complies and moves on? She's still cute...and she still I keep takin' the pictures. I hope she never figures that out. I have many evil plans that I have plotted out since thier births. That's one of them. The other is that eventually Skylar can wear Morgan's clothes, but that isn't working out very well either. They were born at different times during the year, and now Skylar is ready to outgrown lots of things Morgan-one being her shoes! It's okay though. I have lots more evil comin' their way :)
Hello Miss Rodeo Teen 2012. Not that I'm in to that, but does she not fit the part?! Now she just has to get used to the smells of the barn and she'll be a sure winner!
Then we actually got to see a cow being milked. I was reminded of my own children's birth. Pretty sure a few mom's there had some flashbacks. We all had that look as he was explaining the process. Poor cows. Poor DeeDee. All out there for everyone to see.
The team was the American Legion Belgrade Bandits. They were 14-18 year olds. They had some great hits, made some great plays and all in all it was a fun night of "America's Favorite Passtime."
Popcorn was a hit. And what's up with them taking turns looking at me? It's like they know when the other one's looking and then they switch.
S-ok now you look
M-no you
S-No I just did-now it's your turn
M-Fine, but then you're next
S-Whatever. Dont' hog the corn!
"Go Bandits," says Skylar. "Go Bandits," yells Morgan. "Where are they going, Daddy?" Oh, that is the stuff I couldn't make up in my dreams. I love that. I eat it up. And then I have to write it down so I don't forget. 'Cause someday she's gonna think she was so cute-oh wait-she already does!
Morgan and Skylar would get up to dance to the music between innings. But you have to watch closely because all Skylar wants is the popcorn and Morgan wants to dance, so Skylar obliges but then when Morgan walks away Skylar looks out of the corner of her eye as if to say, "you done. Good, now let me get back to eating my popcorn. You are such a spaz sometimes. Sheesh!"
Well, that-and this
The day we got there we set up the kiddie pool and slip and slide for the kids and let them run and splash.
And Morgan couldn't get enough so after dinner we went in the back yard and her and the boys raced back and forth about 103 times. Well, okay maybe just 47, but it was a lot!
Then we had a break in the action for ice cream.
Hot stuff munchin' on hers with her legs crossed. She has always been such a lady.
Then the following day (the 4th) we went down by the river (I don't know the name of it) and took a carousel ride, played at the playground and had lunch.
We just love these guys! And what a cute family aren't they?!
On your marks, get set, GO!
It really doesn't take much to put this baby to sleep! Even with tremendous amounts of sun in her eyes and gigantic headphones on her head...this was literally less than 30 minutes after departure. And about 1 hour since she had gotten up for the day.
This is pretty much consitent with what Morgan looked like the whole way there...
Except for about an hour of this...
Skylar really had a great chance to catch up on all her reading-she can check that off of her "to-do" list! Thanks Nanny for all the books!
This was just minutes after so it isn't even swollen yet, but you can see where her teeth entered her bottom lip-OUCH! Or "owie" as Skylar kept repeating the rest of that day. And that is a smile she has on her face.