Thursday, July 2, 2009

That's gonna leave a mark!

Oh ouch! Skylar had a doozie of a fall last week just before we left for Montana. She was carrying a bouncy ball pretty much the size of her and she didn't see the flagstone step in front of her so she had a "rough" flagstone edge to the lip. She is one tough cookie, though. She only cried for a minute or two and was all smiles after that. Check out the damage-

This was just minutes after so it isn't even swollen yet, but you can see where her teeth entered her bottom lip-OUCH! Or "owie" as Skylar kept repeating the rest of that day. And that is a smile she has on her face.

And this was the next day. Pretty much super duper swollen, but she really didn't fuss about it at all. She has her sister to thank for that. Morgan has done her fair share of toughening Skylar up over the last 19 months!

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