Today we went and had a family hiking trip up at the beautiful and all inclusive Grotto Falls hidden perfectly in the Hyalite Canyon. It was spectacular! There was beauty all around us. Bryan had never been hiking-I know-WHAT!?! That is precisely what I said! He then went on to say, "It's not like I have never been on a hiking trail, I just was always on horseback." Oh, well, pardon me! Ok, well I guess that is cool. Anyway, so we had a great time-it was a 2.5 mile trail, so the girls walked a little and Bryan and I took turns pushing the 70+ pound stroller with them in it up the mountian, because as you know, it isn't like one wants to ride while the other would rather walk. Nope. So not how children work. If one wanted to ride so did the other, so we got our gleutius MAXimus' (I should only speak for myself here where MAX is concerned) in good shape today. Morgan and Skylar both really liked being in the outdoors and soaking up the great sunshine and surroundings.
We had a great lunch on the lake and the girls enjoyed throwing rocks into the water. Let me rephrase that. Morgan had fun throwing rocks half her size in the water and Skylar enjoyed tempting fate by almost throwing herself into the water. She doesn't have that down quite yet.
Bryan was pretty much in complete agony here. Can't you see the pain on his face? He had bitten his lip for about the 34th time and was bleeding and swelling as he sat there, which is why he is trying to ignore the fact that I am taking his picture. Skylar is just doing what she does-ignoring me-hey wait-it must be hereditary!
While we were down by the water after lunch these two men were canoeing past my scenery and I couldn't help but take this picture. It was too perfect. Wow, what a view!
They were both looking at the camera!! And I still had it set to take distant scenery pictures. Ahhh! One of these days the stars will be in perfect alignment and I will get a good one. If it's the last thing I do! Doesn't it even look like they are even holding hands. I assure you they are not, but cute nonetheless.
This is Grotto Falls. Isn't she lovely? I fell in love. I had to get a closer look. Bryan didn't think it was safe, especially in my new tennis shoes, but I assured him it was okay, "'case I got 'em at Ross for like $25 bucks." Then I made him go up and get a closer look and he thanked me after he did it.
I love the mossy blankets reflecting the sun's rays. Did you see how clear and beautiful the water is? Even Bryan said, "Did you get a picture of how clear the water is?" I think he liked his nature walk. I think he liked feeling like a granola eating, tree hugging hippie dude. 'Cause he also kept saying, "Your brother would really like it up here." And I agree. He really really would.
My little mountain bug with her binkie and monkey. She loved playing in the little stream running along the trail. She was kind of dirty when she pulled her hands up and actually wanted me to wipe them off, which was uncharacteristic and I was wondering if she was lacking oxygen, but then she dropped her binkie in the stream and picked it right up and put it in her mouth, so then I was ok. Whew! Close call.

My Jeremiah Johnson. Next time we're gonna leave him up there with a pocket knife and see if he can't catch us a bear.