Okay, well I feel old anyway. I am writing this on the eve of my 29th birthday and I am feeling super old. We went to the park the other day and I tried to get on the swing to show Morgan how to pump her legs and I thought my head was going to fling off my body. I got so light headed and dizzy and had motion sickness so bad I almost blew chunks. Okay, well not that bad, but kind of. Any way, so I was explaining this to my brother-in-law, Derek, via Skype and he said it is actually something that happens to you as you get older. Oh, well good then I am glad it isn't just me, but darn it if that didn't solidify my wonderings. I am getting old. So he explained to me that there is fluid between your brain and your skull and when you get older there is less fluid so your brain doesn't have as much "cushion" as it once did-or something like that I can't remember-I started day dreaming about the good ol' days when I used to talk to my girlfriends about going out to party or how hot some guy was. Now we talk about the newest novel to hit the best-sellers list and how we still have all that extra skin from where our babies stretched us out and no matter how many ab crunches we do it never seems to go away. Oh well. I think that is pretty much what Derek said.

So then, I was daydreaming about the 80's, my prime, when in walks Morgan looking like this. And man, did that bring it back for me. Could not have said it better myself. The layered headband. The Whitney Houston look she's got going on. There is so much in this picture that was so right. And so much that is so wrong. But I like the message she is getting across here-"No Boys Allowed." That is actually a door hanger. But she can use it as a necklace. Sure. Go for it. Accessorize.

Well, then, in walks Skylar. Love it. They are so my 80's girls. And they definately make the fact that my tummy still has stretched out skin that won't go away even with 1000 sit ups perfectly okay. I still have one more year of 20 somethings to get rid of it...
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