Well, we got to see my grammy and a couple of my cousins yesturday before the big departure. We met at the "water fountian park" which I think is actually Cornerstone Park in Englewood and we had a great time! The girls enjoyed dodging the water and playing in the sand and we actually got to enjoy our picnic. Every time we eat lunch there it seems there is a terrible wind storm while we eat, so it was quite a treat! And a great day!
A great shot of Morgan and Skylar in action! Be glad there is no audio on this! The screeching is SO high pitched and loud!
On second thought, let's take a looksie...

Just taking it all in!

Morgan was pretty much screaming the whole time. And the funny thing is she loves coming to this park, but rarely does she get a single drop of water on her! It is really entertaining! She was slightly braver this day than previously, but she MAYBE got 10 drops on her.

Is this not the best shot of all the girls? Too bad Morgan was too busy playing in the water to have her picture taken with Shammy!

This is my cousin Karen's little girl Breanna (so on the geneology chart she would qualify as my 2nd cousin)-is she not the cutest thing? She was hard at work on her experiment for quite some time! It looked good whatever it was! :) *There was a little geneology confusion on my dad's side of the family so I was just clearing that up for them-love you Dee-Dee!

And this is Rayna (also my 2nd cousin)-the cutest red head I've ever seen! She was busy climbing most of the time but I did snap this shot of her when she was in the sandbox.
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